

Lead Investigator

Professor Nikola Sprigg


University of Nottingham



What is the study about?

Enhanced pictorial information sheet and acess to animated video dubbed into 4 key languages as well as English in addition to standard PIS

Who can take part in the study?

Patients, Carer/Parent

What is being tested in the study?

To determine whether the use of an animated video translated into four languages that are commonly spoken in the black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities in the United Kingdom (UK) alongside standard participant information sheets (PIS) improves recruitment and retention into the TICH-3 trial, and whether it specifically improves recruitment and retention of individuals from BAME communities.

Intervention 1: Animated video co-created with a PPI (patient and public involvement) group from the centre for BAME health at University of Leicester and translated into four key languages as well as English together with standard PIS.

Intervention 2: Standard PIS without the animated video.

Index Type: Method of Recruitment, Method of Follow-up

Primary: Follow up completion rates in the SWAT intervention and control groups.

Secondary: Proportion of participants providing consent for follow up in the TICH-3 trial for the 1) UK study population as a whole and 2) by BAME versus non-BAME subgroups


National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) - Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

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